The Ultimate Guide to the SDLC is a masterful collection of best practices for system development in the 21st century. Its activities, processes and techniques are amassed from leading industrial nations and the minds and experiences of some of the greatest Information Technology thought leaders in history, many of whom made contributions to this work. Within these pages we examine the history and best practices from a dozen popular system development methods, from waterfall through agile; and many of today’s recognized best practices and standards all the way to continuous improvement and performance metrics. These concepts, principles, practices, disciplines, guidelines and models are proven to help deliver successful IT projects and mature organizational practices from ability to capability.
Included with the book is a handy desktop reference and a companion CD loaded with tools, white papers, process maps and diagrams to get you started on the path to maturing your best practices to remain competitive in today’s global marketplace.
ISBN-13: 978-0-615-42677-8
ISBN-10: 0-615-42677-8

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