Waterfall Variants
- Classic Waterfall first described by Dr. Winston Royce in 1970
- Modified Waterfall proposed by Dr. Royce in 1970
- Spiral Model, Dr. Barry Boehme, 1986
- Vee-Model (both US and Germany versions), 1991
- Dual Vee, Fosberg and Mooz, 2005
- Incremental Commitment Model (Waterfall/Agile Hybrid), Drs. Barry Boehme and Jo Ann Lane, 2006
Agile Variants
- Rapid Application Development, 1991
- Scrum, 1991
- Crystal, 1992
- Extreme Programming (XP), 1995
- Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM), 1995
- Lean (philosophy), 2003
The study concludes that a best of best practices model will be of the hybrid variety. IT Governance and the value proposition fit best within a waterfall framework. System development and quality assurance fit best in an agile framework. The Ultimate Guide to the SDLC blends the best of the best practices from these 12 models into a single comprehensive model that most assuredly evolves an organizations process maturity from ability to capability. For your convenience, the comparison chart is reproduced below.

Thanks for the table!
I like your table of characteristics versus SDLC. I’m curious about “Linear Waterfall” and the date of 1930s. Could you share some of the history about that?
Here is the text from pages 32 and 33 in The Ultimate Guide to the SDLC:
Both linear and iterative and incremental methods can be traced as far back as the 1930s to the work of Walter Shewhart, a quality expert at Bell Labs who devised a sequence of “Plan-Do-Study-Act” cycles for quality improvement. Shewhart’s work was expounded upon in the 1940s by William Edwards Deming, the father of the post-war Japanese industrial renaissance. Reference: W. Shewhart, Statistical Method from the Viewpoint of Quality Control, Dover, 1986 (reprint from 1939)
Surprisingly, Royce never advocated for the use of Waterfall as a viable methodology. He called the model “grandiose” and argued that it doesn’t work because requirements change over time. He presented it as an example of a model that is flawed and non-practicable. It is a process that simply does not compute.